For the US, we ship from the US via USPS (4-14 business days delivery time).
For Canada, we ship from the US via USPS (4-28 business days delivery time).
For the UK and Europe, we ship from European countries (4-10 business days delivery time)
Usually, we will send out (handling time) the parcel within 5 business days after receiving clear & complete payment.
It is not possible to change/cancel the order once after 24hrs it has been placed (and paid in full).
If you have anything to know regarding the product, please feel free to contact us before placing the order/shipment. We are more than happy to help our customers.
Please make sure that the shipping address is correct before placing the order.
Please note that it is always a buyer's responsibility to be aware of their country's customs rules & regulations and customs duty regarding this item (if applicable).